AMX - Lifecycle Planning and Management
With Asset management coming under increasing financial scrutiny, and the need to consistently maintain and improve levels of service – we understand the need for short, medium and long term strategic planning tools. With AMX you will be able to model your stock deterioration and using the statistical and comparison tools, identify the best course of action to meet your aims and goals.
The AMX lifecycle Planning and Management tools will enable you to:

- Use the system deterioration models, or create your own reflecting local knowledge, to generate multiple predictive models with numerous user-definable intervention strategies.
- Run comparisons on the Intervention strategies to identify the best course of action, within your constraints.
- Amend the models and the strategies as many times as you need, to make sure the results are accurate and relevant.
- Run the Lifecycle modelling process at the individual element, asset and stock level to support business decisions.

AMX Key Features
Contact us now for a demonstration.